
In prpr, you can customize the respack. The respack consists of how the notes look, particle effects, hit sound effects, etc. You can find premade respacks, or you choose to make one yourself. The file structure of the respack is explained in detailed below.


A Respack is a single zip archive containing the configuration file info.yml and other resource files. Some of the resource files are required and some are optional.

Resource files

The resource files must include:

  • click.png and click_mh.png: The note skin for click notes, mh represents simultaneous clicks.
  • drag.png and drag_mh.png: The note skin for drag notes, mh represents simultaneous drags.
  • flick.png and flick_mh.png: The note skin for flick notes, mh represents simultaneous flicks.
  • hold.png and hold_mh.png: The note skin for hold notes, mh represents simultaneous holds.
  • hit_fx.png: The image for hit effect.

The resource files can also include (If they are not included, the default will be used):

  • click.ogg, drag.ogg and flick.ogg: The sound effects for the corresponding notes, note that the sampling rate must be 44100 Hz, or else it will cause crashes during rendering (prpr-render).
  • ending.mp3: The background music for the score screen.

Configuration file

The configuration file uses yml format, with the following required fields (using a default respack as an example):

name: Default
author: "Mivik & MisaLiu"
hitFx: [5, 6]
holdAtlas: [50, 50]
holdAtlasMH: [50, 110]
  • name: The name of the respack.
  • author: The author/creator of the respack.
  • description: The description/introduction of the respack.
  • hitFx: The frame count of the width and height of the hit effect. Hit effects are stored as multiple frames in a single image, thus, it is necessary to specify the number of horizontal and vertical frames in the image. For example, in this image, the horizontal and vertical frame count is 5 and 6 respectively (the last row is not very visible, but it is present there) (the image uses a black background for the ease of viewing, but a transparent background should be used when creating a respack).
  • holdAtlas: The height of the tail and head of the hold image. The note skin of the hold is an image, it has the tail section, middle section and the head section, from top to bottom of the image. The 2 numbers of holdAtlas specify the height of the tail and head respectively in the image. For example, in this image, the height of the tail and head section are both 50 pixels.
  • holdAtlasMH: Similar to the previous bullet point, specifies the related details for simultaneous holds.

In addition, there are these optional fields:

  • hitFxDuration (float, default value: 0.5): The duration of the hit effect in seconds.
  • hitFxScale (float, default value: 1.0): The scale of the hit effect.
  • hitFxRotate (bool, default value: false): Whether the hit effect rotates with the note.
  • hitFxTinted (bool, default value: true): Whether the hit effect is colored according to the color of the judgement line.
  • hideParticles (bool, default value: false): Whether the hit effect particles are hidden.
  • holdKeepHead (bool, default value: false): Whether to keep showing the hold’s head section once it touches the line.
  • holdRepeat (bool. default value: false): Whether the middle section of the hold is repetitively stretched. The below shows 3 images, the hold’s image on the left, the image of how the hold will look like when holdRepeat is false on the middle, and the image of how the hold will look like when holdRepeat is true on the right.
  • holdCompact (bool, default value: false): Whether to overlap the hold’s head and tail section with the middle section. Using the previous example, if holdCompact is false, the hold will look like the image on the left, you can see that the tail and head section are separated from the middle section. If holdCompact is true, the hold will look like the image on the middle and right.
  • colorPerfect (Hexadecimal color code, default value: 0xe1ffec9f): The color of the judgement line when it is still AP (All Perfect).
  • colorGood (Hexadecimal color code, default value: 0xebb4e1ff): The color of the judgement line when it is still FC (Full Combo).