
Effect is a feature that applies shader to the entire chart for a specified amount of time. They can be used to achieve visual effects that are impossible or difficult to achieve in vanilla charts. prpr has some premade shaders, or you can also write your own shaders. For more details, see Writing your own shader.


You need to add the effects field in extra.json, whose content is an array of Effect.


The format of a single Effect is shown below:

	"start": [0, 0, 1],
	"end": [0, 0, 1],
	"shader": "Name of shader",
	"global": false,
	"vars": {

start and end specify the start and end time respectively in the same format as RPE's default time format ([bar number, numerator, denominator]).

shader represents the shader's name, it can be a built-in shader, or a custom shader.

global determines whether the effect will affect UI elements (combo count, pause button, etc). This field can be left blank, and its default value is false.

vars is an optional parameter, it is a mapping of variable names to animation variables, it is used to specify the parameters of the shader (or rather: shader's uniform variables). i.e. suppose I need to specify the values of 2 variables, power and radius, I can write it like this:

	"vars": {
		"power": ...,
		"radius": ...


The following example will apply the built-in chromatic shader from [2, 0, 1] to [4, 0, 1] and will vary the power parameter linearly from 0 to 0.1 in this time period, with the sampleCount fixed at 5:

	"effects": [
			"start": [2, 0, 1],
			"end": [4, 0, 1],
			"shader": "chromatic",
			"vars": {
				"power": [
						"startTime": [2, 0, 1],
						"endTime": [4, 0, 1],
						"easingType": 2,
						"start": 0.0,
						"end": 0.1
				"sampleCount": 5

Built-in shaders

You can view all the built-in shaders, along with their parameters and related descriptions, at here.