Unlock animation

Please note the difference between unlock animation and video background

The unlock animation allows a video to be played before the player's initial playthrough of the chart.


The UI is currently not ready and is slightly cumbersome. The following steps are recommended for Windows.

If your chart already has info.yml, please skip to step three.

  1. Import your chart in Phira.
  2. Search for your chart ID in data/charts/custom (e.g. 9067228), locate the corresponding folder, find info.yml in the folder, and copy it to your chart folder (Note that the folder mentioned here is not the folder that you get after importing into Phira, it's the folder that you extracted from pez).
  3. Add the unlock animation to your chart folder (Note that the folder mentioned here is not the folder that you get after importing into Phira, it's the folder that you extracted from pez), assuming the file name is unlock.mp4.
  4. Find the line unlockVideo: null in info.yml and replace it with unlockVideo: unlock.mp4 (or add that line if it's not there).
  5. Re-import your chart.